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Willcox G. 2024 Degradation of the vegetation in Northern Syria: past and present. Bioarcheologies.

Willcox G. 2024, 14 juin. Early Neolithic cereal exploitation in Southwest Asia : gathering or cultivation? Bioarcheologies

Willcox G 2024 Sowing, harvesting and tilling at the end of the Pleistocene/beginning of the Holocene in northern Syria: a reassessment of cereal and pulse exploitation.Vegetation History and Archaeobotany PDF

Willcox G 2023 Can a functional ecological model reliably reveal the nature of early plant management in southwest Asia? Nat Plants:. https//:doi: 10.1038/s41477-023-01573-z. PDF

Douche, C., Willcox, G. 2023 Identification and exploitation of wild rye ( Secale spp.) during the early Neolithic in the Middle Euphrates valley. Veget Hist Archaeobot (2023). PDF

Tengberg M, Willcox G, Rousou M, Douche C, Pares A, Zazzo A. 2023 Plant exploitation and vegetation cover. In Jean-Denis Vigne, François Briois et Jean Guilaine Klimonas
An Early Pre-Pottery Neolithic Village in Cyprus. 406-430 Editions CNRS. PDF

Willcox G 2021 Temoignages des plantes cultivees in Shillourokambos, un etablissement neolithique pre-ceramique à Chypre. Les fouilles du secteur 3" (J Guilaine, F. Briois, J.-D. Vigne dirs.; CNRS Editions,Paris Chapitre 29 , 265-275 PDF

Willcox, G 2020 Les cultures experimentales des cereales et les origines de l’agriculture au Proche-Orient. in Beyries, Sylvie (dir.), Experimentation en archeologie de la prehistoire. Editions des archives contemporaines, Coll. «Sciences archeologiques, France. pp 5-8, ISBN : 9782813003003.

Douche C. Willcox G. 2018. New archaeobotanical data from the Early Neolithic sites of Dja’de el-Mughara and Tell Aswad (Syria): A comparison between the Northern and the Southern Levant. Paleorient, Willcox G. 2018. Conclusion: Exploitation and use of plant resources in Prehistoric Southwest Asia. Paleorient, vol. 44.2, PDF

Willcox G. 2018. In Memoriam: Gordon Hillman (1944-2018). Paleorient, vol. 44.2, p. 5-6.PDF

Ergun M, Tengberg M, Willcox G, Douche C 2018 “Plants of Aşıklı Hoyuk and Changes through Time: First Archaeobotanical Results from the 2010-14 Excavation Seasons” in Eds M Ozbasaran, G Duru, M Stiner THE EARLY SETTLEMENT AT ASIKLI HOYUK  Essays in Honor of Ufuk Esin Yayınları Istanbul 191-218. PDF

Betts A. Khozhaniyazov G. Weisskopf A. Willcox G. 2018. Fire Features at Akchakhan-kala and Tash kirman-tepe.  Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia. 24: 217-250.

Pourkheirandish M. Dai, F. Sakuma S. Kanamori, H. Distelfeld, A. Willcox G. Kawahara, T. Matsumot, T. Kilian, B. and  Komatsuda T. 2018.  On the Origin of the Non-brittle Rachis Trait of Domesticated Einkorn Wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 8  Article 2031.

Willcox G. 2017 'Les cultures experimentales en Ardeche et les origines de l'agriculture au Proche-Orient' Revue du Vivarais. Tome CXXI, n° 1 (fascicule 809) 17-29. PDF

Willcox G 2016 'Les fruits au Proche-Orient avant la domestication des fruitiers'. In Des fruits d’ici et d’ailleurs. Ed. Marie-Pierre Ruas pp 41-54, Omniscience. Paris.

Stordeur D. Willcox G. 2016 'Jerf el-Ahmar'. In A History of Syria in One Hundred Sites. Eds Youssef Kanjou and Akira Tsuneki. 47-50
Archaeopress. Oxford. PDF

Willcox G. 2016 Quand l'agriculture est-elle nee ? La Recherche.  Dossiers n°17 L'odyssee de l'homme 93-96.PDF

Muller-Neuhof B, Betts A, Willcox G. 2015 Jawa, Northeastern Jordan: The First 14C Dates for the ealy occupation phase. Zeitschrift fur Orient Archaologie. Band 8 124-131.

Pourkheirandish M.,  Hensel G., Kilian B., Senthil N., Chen G., Sameri M.,  Azhaguvel P., Sakuma S., Dhanagond S., Sharma R., Mascher M., Himmelbach A.,  Gottwald S., Nair S., Tagiri A., Yukuhiro F., Nagamura Y., Kanamori H., Matsumoto T., Willcox G., Middleton C., Wicker T.,  Walther A., Waugh R., Fincher G., Stein N., Kumlehn J., Sato K., Komatsuda T.,  2015  “Evolution of the Grain Dispersal System in Barley”. Cell 162, 527–539.

Willcox G. 2015 L'Agriculture sème une graine de civilisation. In Le Monde Hors-Serie L'Histoire des Inventions. 30-31. PDF

Badaeva, E. Keilwagen, J. Knüpffer, H. Waßermann, L. Dedkova, O. Mitrofanova, O. Kovaleva, O. Liapunova, Pukhalskiy, V. Özkan, H. Graner, A. Willcox, G. Kilian, B. 2015 Chromosomal Passports Provide New Insights into Diffusion of Emmer Wheat. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0128556. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0128556

Thy P. Willcox G. Barfod G.H. and Fuller D.Q. 2015 Anthropogenic Origin of Siliceous Scoria Droplets from Pleistocene and Holocene Archaeological Sites in Northern Syria. Journal of Archaeological Science 54:193-209. PDF

Willcox G  2014 Near East (Including Anatolia): Origins and Development of Agriculture Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology Ed. Claire Smith, pp 5208-5222

Willcox G. 2014 Les premiers indices de la culture des cereales au Proche-Orient. In La transition neolithique en mediterranee. Sous la direction de Claire Manen, Thomas Perrin et Jean Guilaine. 47-58 Errance Arles. PDF

Willcox G. 2014 Food in the Early Neolithic of the Near East. In Lucio Milano (ed.) Paleonutrition and food practices in the ancient Near East. History of the Ancient Near East: Monographs (Padova). Vol. XIV 1-10. PDF

Betts, A. McCartney, C PessinH. and . Willcox G. 2013 Excavations at Mahfour al-Ruweishid. in Later Prehistory of the Badia A. V. G. Betts ; A. V. G. and Cropper Betts; D. Cropper; L. Martin; C. McCartney. Levant Supplementary Series.

Willcox G. Herveux L.2013 Late Pleistocene/early Holocene charred plant remains: preliminary report. In R.F. Mazurowski, Y. Kanjou (eds), Tell Qaramel 1999–2007. Protoneolithic and Early Pre-pottery Neolithic Settlement in Northern Syria. 120/130. Warsaw: PCMA. ISBN 978-83-903796-3-0. (English version )PDF

Berthon R, Decaix A, Kovács Z, Van Neer W, Tengberg M, Willcox G, Cucchi T. 2013 A bioarchaeological investigation of three late Chalcolithic pits at Ovçular Tepesi (Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan). Journal of Environmental Archaeology 18/ 3 191-200. PDF

Spengler R, Willcox G. 2013 Archaeobotanical results from Sarazm, Tajikistan, an Early Bronze Age Settlement on the edge: Agriculture and exchange. Journal of Environmental Archaeology 2013 VOL. 18 NO. 3 211-221. PDF

Tanno K, Willcox G, Muhesen S, Nishiaki Y, KanjoY, Akazawa T 2013 Preliminary Results from Analyses of Charred Plant Remains from a Burnt Natufian Building at Dederiyeh Cave in Northwest Syria. (Eds) Ofer Bar-Yosef and François R. Valla. The Natufian Culture of the Levant II. 83-87. International Monographs in Prehistory, Ann Arbor. PDF

Willcox G. 2013 The Roots of Cultivation in Southwestern Asia. Science. Vol. 341 no. 6141 pp. 39-40 PDF

Willcox G. 2012 The beginnings of cereal cultivation and domestication in Southwest Asia. In D. Potts (ed.) A companion to the archaeology of the ancient Near East. 163-180. Blackwell. PDF

Vigne J-D. Briois F. Zazzo A. Willcox G. Cucchia,T. Thiebault S. Carrère I. Franel Y. Touquet R. Martin A. Moreau C. Comby M. Guilaine J. 2012 First wave of cultivators spread to Cyprus at least 10,600 y ago. PNAS 109/22:8445–8449. PDF

Willcox G. 2012 Pas d'origine unique pour l'agriculture (Interview) La Rechercher 461, 22-23. PDF

Braemer F. Bravard J-P., Bril B. Guibert P. Sanders L. Vila E. Viader R. Willcox G. 2012 Qui, pourquio? comment? Archeologie et interdisciplinarite. In L'archeologie à decouvert. Sous la direction de Sophie De Beaume et H-P. Francfort. CNRS Editions Paris.39-52.

Willcox G, Nesbitt M, Bittmann F. 2012 From collecting to cultivation: transitions to a production economy in the Near East. (Editorial). Special Issue The Origins of agriculture in the Near East. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21:2, 81-83. PDF

Tanno K. Willcox G. 2012 Distinguishing wild and domestic wheat and barley spikelets from early Holocene sites in the Near East . Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. Volume 21, Number 2, 107-115. PDF

Willcox G. 2012 Searching for the origins of arable weeds in the Near East. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.Volume 21, Number 2, 163-167. PDF

Willcox G, Stordeur D. 2012 Large-scale cereal processing before domestication during the tenth millennium BC cal. in northern Syria. Antiquity 86: 331, 99-114. PDF

Willcox G. 2012 Pre-domestic cultivation during the late Pleistocene and early Holocene in the northern Levant. In. Paul Gepts, Thomas R. Famula, Robert L. Bettinger, Steve B. Brush, Ardeshir B. Damania, Patrick E. McGuire and Calvin O. Qualset. Biodiversity in Agriculture: Domestication, Evolution, and Sustainability. Cambridge University Press; 92-109 PDF

Fuller D, Willcox G, Allaby R. 2012 Early agricultural pathways: moving outside the ‘core area' hypothesis in Southwest Asia. Journal of Experimental Botany. 63 (2): 617-633. PDF

Fuller D. Willcox G. Allaby R. 2011 Cultivation and domestication had multiple origins: arguments against the core area hypothesis for the origins of agriculture in the Near East. World Archaeology. Special Issue, Debates in World Archaeology .43:4, 628-652 PDF

Willcox G., Savard M. 2011 Botanical evidence for the adoption of cultivation in southeast Turkey. in The Neolithic in Turkey, new excavations and new research. (eds) Mehmet Özdogan, Nezih Basgelen, Peter Kuniholm. Archaeology and Art Publications, Istanbul. 267-280. PDF

Willcox G. 2011 Temoignages d'une agriculture precoce à Shillourokambos. etude du Secteur 1. In, Jean Guilaine, François Briois, Jean-Denis Vigne (Eds) Shillourokambos, un etablissement neolithique pre-ceramique à Chypre les fouilles du secteur 1. 569- 575. Errance, Paris. PDF

Stordeur D. Helmer D. Jamous B. Khawam R. Molist M. Willcox G. 2010 Le PPNB de Syrie du Sud à travers les decouvertes recentes à tell Aswad. In Al-Maqdissi M. Braemer F. Dentzer J-M .Eds. Hauran V La Syrie Du Sud Du Neolithique À L'antiquite Tardive Recherches Recentes Actes Du Colloque De Damas 2007. Vol 1. Beyrouth, 41-68. PDF

Ozkan H. Willcox G. Graner A. Salamini F. Kilian B. 2010. Geographic distribution and domestication of wild emmer
wheat (Triticum dicoccoides).
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution . 58/1:11-53 PDF

Willcox G. 2009 Gordon Hillman's pioneering influence on Near Eastern archaeobotany, a personal appraisal. In. From Foragers to Farmers; papers in honour of Gordon C. Hillman. Eds Andrew Fairbairn & Ehud Weiss. Oxbow Books, 15-18. Uncorrected proof version PDF

Willcox G, Buxo R, Herveux L. 2009 Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene climate and the beginnings of cultivation in northern Syria. The Holocene 19,1 151-158. PDF version available online at Sage Publications. PDF

Stordeur D., Willcox G. 2009. Indices de culture et d'utilisation des cereales à Jerf el Ahmar. In De Mediterranee et d'ailleus... Melanges offerts à Jean Guilaine. pp 693-710. Archives d'Ecologie Prehistorique. Toulouse. PDF

Willcox G. 2008. Nouvelles donnees archeobotaniques de Mureybet et la neolithisation du moyen Euphrate. p103-114 in J. Ibanez (ed.) Le site neolithique de Tell Mureybet (Syrie du Nord), en hommage à Jacques Cauvin. BAR International Series, 1843 (1). PDF

Hovsepyan R. Willcox G. 2008 The earliest finds of cultivated plants in Armenia: evidence from charred remains and crop processing residues in pise from the Neolithic settlements of Aratashen and Aknashen. Veget Hist Archaeobot. 17/1 :63-71 PDF version available online at Spinger . PDF

Willcox G. Fornite S. Herveux L. 2008 Reconstruction of ancient vegetation and of climate conditions on the Euphrates at the end of the Pleistocene beginning of the Holocene. In MENMED From the adoption of agriculture to the current landscape: long term interaction between man and environment in the east Mediterranean bassin. (Eds) R. Buxo and M. Molist. 29-33. Monografies 9. Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya Barcelona.

Willcox G. Fornite S. Herveux L. Tanno K. 2008 Changes in the use of cereals on Euphrtaes sites between 11,500 and 7,800 BC. Cal. In MENMED From the adoption of agriculture to the current landscape: long term interaction between man and environment in the east Mediterranean bassin. (Eds) R. Buxo and M. Molist. 41-44. Monografies 9. Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya Barcelona.

Willcox, G. Fornite S. Herveux L.2008. Early Holocene cultivation before domestication in northern Syria. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 17/3:313-325. PDF

Willcox G. and Savard M. 2007 Güneydogu anadolu'da tarimin benimsenmesine iliskin botanik veriler. In Ozdogan M. and Basgelen N. Türkiye'de Neolitik Dönem. 427-440. Metinler, Istanbul.

Badalyan R. Lombard P. Avetisyan P. Chataigner C. Chabot J. Vila E. Hovsepyan R. Willcox G. Pessin H. 2007." New data on the late prehistory of the Southern Caucasus. The excavations at Aratashen (Armenia): preliminary report ", in  B. Lyonnet (ed.), Les cultures du Caucase (VIe-IIIe millenaires avant notre ère) - Leurs relations avec le Proche-Orient, Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations, CNRS Editions, Paris, p. 37-62.

Willcox G. 2007 The adoption of farming and the beginnings of the Neolithic in the Euphrates valley: cereal exploitation between the 12th and the 8th millennium BC cal. In S. Colledge and J. Conolly (Eds). The origins and spread of domestic plants in Southwest Asia and Europe. 21-36. Left Coast Press. California. Erratum, 1) in the original version but corrected in this version Fig. 2,7 for " Emmer (single-grained)" read" Einkorn (single-grained)". 2) Figure 2,3 Stipa was not identified at Mureybet but is present in the diagram. PDF

Willcox, G. 2007 Agrarian change and the beginnings of cultivation in the Near East. In Tim Denham and Peter White (Eds). The emergence of agriculture. A global view. 217-241. Routledge, New York. PDF

Willcox G. 2007 Le ble sauvage des premiers agricultures. La Recherche (mars) 58-61:406 PDF

Willcox G. and Tanno K. 2006 How and When Was Wild Wheat Domesticated? Letters Science 21 July Vol. 313. no. 5785, p. 296.PDF

Tanno K. Willcox G. 2006a How fast was wild wheat domesticated? Science 311: 1886 PDF

Tanno K. Willcox G. 2006b The origins of cultivation of Cicer arietinum L. and Vicia faba L.: Early finds from north west Syria (Tell el-Kerkh, late 10th millennium BP). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 15:197-204. PDF

 Willcox G. 2005 The distribution, natural habitats and availability of wild cereals in relation to their domestication in the Near East: multiple events, multiple centres. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 14/4:534-541.PDF

Willcox G. 2004 Les macroresres carbonises. In Khirbet al Umbashi: villages et campements de pasteurs dans le desert noir (Syrie) à l'âge du Bronze. eds F. Braemer, J-Cl Echallier, A. Taraqji. IFAPO Beirut. 232-239.PDF

Willcox G. 2004 Measuring grain size and identifying Near Eastern cereal domestication: evidence from the Euphrates valley. Journal of Archaeological Science 31:145-50. PDF

Willcox G. 2004 Last gatherers/first cultivators in the Near East: Regional and Supra-regional developments. Neo-Lithics 1/04:51-52.

Willcox G. 2004 Comments in Current Anthropology 45:s53

Willcox G. 2003 The origins of Cypriot farming. In (Eds). Jean Guilaine & Alain Le Brun. Le Neolithique de Chypre. Actes du Colloque International Organise par le Departement des Antiquites de Chypre et l'Ecole Française d'Athènes. Nicosie 17-19 mai 2001.Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique Supplement 43:231-238.PDF

Willcox G. 2003 Les Macrorestes Vegetaux. In (Eds). Bernard Geyer & Jacques Lefort. La Bithynie au Moyen Age. P. Lethielleux. Paris, 201-205

Willcox G. 2003 Chalcolithic carbonised cereals from Ubaid burnt storage structures at Kosak Shamali. In Tell Kosak Shamali Vol. II Eds. Yoshihiro Nishiaki & Toshio Matsutani. University Museum the University of Tokyo, Monograph 267-270. PDF

Willcox G. 2003 L'economie vegetale à Bosra et Si: resultats d'analyse de restes vegetaux carbonises des periodes romaine, byzantine et islamique. In Hauran II, (Eds) J. Dentzer-Feydy, J-M Dentzer, P-M Blanc, Hauran II Vol. I Beyrouth 177-195.

Willcox G. 2002a Morphologie des cereals et donnees archeobotaniques. In Moudre et Broyer H. Procopiou and R. Treuil. (Eds.) CTHS Paris 227-235.

Willcox G. 2002c Evidence for ancient forest cover and deforestation from charcoal analysis of ten archaeological sites on the Euphrates. In Charcoal Analysis. Methodological Approaches, Palaeoecological Results and Wood Uses. Ed. S. Thiebault BAR Int. Series 1063:141-145.PDF

Willcox G. 2002b Geographical variation in major cereal components and evidence for independent domestication events in the Western Asia. In R.T.J. CAPPERS & S. BOTTEMA (EDS.) The dawn of farming in the Near East. Studies in Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment, 6. (1999). Berlin, ex oriente. 133-140. PDF

Willcox G. 2002a Charred plant remains from a late tenth millennium kitchen at Jerf el Ahmar (Syria). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 11:55-60. PDF

Guilaine J. Briois F. Vigne J-D. Carrère I. Willcox G. Duchesne S. 2001b L'habitat neolithique pre-ceramique de Shillourkambos (Parekklisha, Chypre). Bulletin de Correspodance Hellenique 125:649-654.

Willcox G. 2001a La naissance de l'agriculture au Proche-Orient. In Histoire d'Hommes, Histoires de plantes. Dirigee par Ph. Marinaval 58-79. Editions Monique Mergoil, Montagnac.

Roitel V. Willcox G. 2000 Analysis of charcoal from Abu Hureyra in Moore A.M.T. Hillman G. Legge T. Village on the Euphrates. 544-547. Oxford University Press. PDF

Guilaine J. Briois F. Vigne J-D. Carrère I. Willcox G. Duchesne S. 2000 L'habitat neolithique pre-ceramique de Shillourkambos (Parekklisha, Chypre). Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 124:589-594.

Willcox G. 2000 Presence des Cereales dans le Neolithique Preceramique de Shillourokambos à Chypre. Paleorient 26/1 129-135. PDF

Willcox G. 2000 De la cueillette à l'agriculture. Pour la science N°274 : 36-40.

Willcox G. 2000 Nouvelles donnees sur l'origine de la domestication des plantes au Proche-Orient in Premiers paysans du monde. Sous la direction de Jean Guilaine Errance 121-140.

Beçanson J., de Moulins D., Willcox G., 2000 Quelques aspects de la vegetation actuelle et de l'agriculture contemporaine de la region d'El Kowm. In. D. Stordeur Un Ile dans le desert. Editions CNRS 15-20.

Damania A., Valkoun J., Willcox G., Qualset C. eds 1999 The Origins of Agriculture and Crop Domestication. ICARDA Aleppo pp 352.

Damania J Valkoun G Willcox Qualset 1999 Preface in The Origins of Agriculture and Crop Domestication eds A Damania J Valkoun G Willcox C Qualset ICARDA Aleppo. VII-IX.

Willcox G 1999 Archaeobotanical significance of growing Near Eastern Progenitors of Domestic Pants at Jalès France in P. Anderson (ed) Prehistory of Agriculture. Monograph 40. University of California, Los Angeles. 103-117. PDF

Behre K-E. et Willcox G 1999. Editorial in Vegetation history and archaeobotany : Proceedings of the 11th IWGP Symposium Toulouse 1998. 8 :1-2 p PDF

Willcox, G. & Fornite S. 1999 Impressions of wild cereal chaff in pise from the tenth millennium at Jerf el Ahmar and Mureybet: northern Syria. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 8 (1-2):14-21. PDF

Willcox. G., 1999 Guest editor for Proceedings of the 11th IWGP Symposium Toulouse 1998 : Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 8 :1-2 pp163.

Willcox G 1999 Archaeobotanical evidence for the beginnings of agriculture in south-west Asia In The Origins of Agriculture and Crop Domestication eds A. Damania, J. Valkoun, G. Willcox, C. Qualset. ICARDA Aleppo. PDF

Figueiral I & Willcox G 1999 Archaeobotany: collecting and analytical techniques. for sub-fossils. In: Jones T. P. & Rowe, N P. Fossil Plants and Spores: modern techniques (eds.) The Geological Society, London 290-294.

Willcox G 1999 Charcoal analysis and Holocene vegetation history in southern Syria. In Quaternary Science Reviews Special issue INQA symposium Ankara, the late Quaternary in the Eastern Mediterranean 711-716. PDF

Willcox, G. 1999 Agrarian change and the beginnings of cultivation in the Near East : Evidence from wild progenitors, experimental cultivation and archaeobotanical data. In Prehistory of Food eds; C. Gosden & J. Hather. Routledge, London 479-500.

Willcox G., Roitel V., 1998 Rapport archeobotanique preliminaire de trois sites preceramiques du Moyen Euphrate (Syria). Cahiers de l'Euphrate 8: 65-84.

Cauvin J Cauvin M C Helmer D Willcox G 1998 L'Homme et son environnement au Levant Nord entre 30000 et 7500 BP Paleorient 23/2 51-69..

Helmer D, Roitel V, Sana M, and Willcox G, 1998 Interpretations environnementales des donnees archeozoologiques et archeobotaniques en Syrie du nord de 16000 BP à 7000 BP, et les debuts de la domestication des plantes et des animaux. In: Fortin M, Aurenche O (eds) Natural space, inhabited space in Northern Syria (10th-2nd millennium B.C.). Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies, Quebec Bulletin 33:9-34.

Stordeur, D., Helmer, D., Willcox, G. 1997 Jerf el Ahmar, un nouveau site sur le moyen Euphrate. Bull. Soc. Prehist. Franc.

Willcox G 1997 Archaeobotanical evidence for the beginnings of agriculture in southwest Asia. In The origins of agriculture and the domestication of crop plants in the Near East. The Harlan Symposium Book of abstracts Eds Damania A & Valkoun J ICARDA Aleppo 35.

Willcox, G., & Catala, M., 1996 Analisis Paleobotanica in M. Molist (ed.) Tell Halula (Siria) Un yacimiento neolitico del vale medio del Efrates campanas de 1991 y 1992. 135-142. Informes archeolgicos. Ministerio de Education y cultura. Madrid

Stordeur, D. Jammous, B., Helmer, D., Willcox, G., 1996 Jerf el Ahmar: a New Mureybetian Site (PPNA) on the Middle Euphrates. Neo-Lithics 2:1-2.

Willcox, G. 1996 Evidence for plant exploitation and vegetation history from three Early Neolithic pre-pottery sites on the Euphrates (Syria) Archaeobotany and Vegetation History. 5:143-152. PDF

Willcox G 1995 Archaeobotanists sleuth out origins of agriculture from early Neolithic sites in the Eastern Mediterranean. Diversity: Journal for the International Plant Genetic Resources Community. Vol 11 Nos 1&2:141-142.

Willcox G & Tengberg M 1995 Preliminary report on the archaeobotanical investigations at Tell Abraq with special attention to the chaff impressions in mud brick. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 6/ 129-138.

Willcox G 1995 Some Plant Impressions from Umm an-Nar Island. In Frifelt K The Island of Umm an-Nar Vol.II Jutland Archeological Society XXVI:2:257-259.

Willcox G. 1995 Wild and Domestic cereal exploitation: New evidence from early Neolithic sites in the northern Levant and south-east Anatolia. World Journal of Prehistoric and Ancient Studies I:9-16

Molist M., Anfruns J., Catala M., Faura M., Helmer D., Mateu J., Palomo T., Sana M., Willcox G. 1994 Tell Halula (Siria): un poblat dels primers agricoltors i ramaders al V11 milleni a la Vall de l'Euphrates. in Tribuna d'Arquelogia, 1992-1993 49-61. Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona.

Willcox G. 1994 Archaeobotanical finds. In Qalaat al Bahrain vol I. Hojlund F. and Anderson H. Jutland Archaeological Society XXX:I 459-462.

Willcox G., 1992 Bilan des Donnees anthracologiques Du Proche Orient. Bulletin de la Societe Botanique de France Tombe 139 Actes du colloque, Montpellier 1991.

Willcox G., 1992 Some differences between crops of Near Eastern origin and those from the tropics. in C. Jarrige. South Asian Archaelogy 1989. Monographs in World Archaeology N° 14. 291-300. Wisconsin

Willcox G., 1992 Preliminary Report on the Plant Remains from Pella. in T. McNicoll. Pella in Jordan II. Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 2. Sydney.

Willcox G., 1992 Timber and trees: ancient exploitation in the Middle East: evidence from plant remains. In Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture. Vol. VI 1-31. Cambridge.

Anderson. P. & Willcox G., 1992 Domestication des espèces vegetales: premiers pas. in F. Gros et G. Huber Vers un anti-destin? 327-331. Odile Jacob, Paris.

Willcox G., 1992 Archaebotanical significance of growing Near Eastern progenitors of domestic plants at Jalès (France) In P. Anderson. Prehistoire de l'agriculture: Nouvelles approches experimentales et ethnographiques. Monographie du CRA N° 6. 159-178. Editions du CNRS.

Willcox G., 1991 Exploitation des especes ligneuses au Proche Orient: Donnees anthracologiques. Paleorient, vol. 17/2. 117-126.PDF

Willcox G., 1991 La culture inventee, la domestication inconsciente : le debut de l'agriculture au Proche Orient. In M-C Cauvi Ed. Rites et Rythmes agraires. Travaux de la Maison de L'Orient N° 20 : 9-31

Anderson P., Deraprahmian, G., & Willcox, G., 1991. Les premières cultures de cereales sauvages et domestiques primitives au Proche-Orient neolithique: resultats preliminaires d'experiences à Jalès (Ardèche). Cahiers de l'Euphrate 5-6, 191-232. Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations. Paris

Willcox G., 1991 Cafer Höyük (Turquie): Les Charbons de bois Neolithiques. Cahiers de l'Euphrate 5-6 139-150 Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations. Paris.

Willcox G., 1991 Carbonised plant remains from Shortughai. in Renfrew, J. (ed.) New Light on Early Farming. 139-154. Edinburgh University Press. PDF

Willcox G., 1990 The Plant remains from Hellenistic and Bronze Age levels at Failaka Kuwait: A preliminary report. in Salles F. Failaka Fouilles. Françaises 1986-1988. 43-50.

Willcox G., 1990a Charcoal remains from Tepe Abdul Hosein in J. Pullar Tepe Abdul Hosein: A Neolithic site in Western Iran Excavations 1978. 233-227.BAR International Series 563.

Willcox G., 1989 Etude Archeobotanique in. Francfort H-P., Fouilles de Shortughaï. tome II, Memoires de la Mission Archeologique Française en Asie Centrale, 175-185.

Willcox G., 1987 List of trees and shrubs of economic importance in ancient Iraq. Bulletin on Sumerian Agriculture, Vol.III 101-1O6.

Willcox G., 1981 Plant remains. Apendix F in Helms,S., Jawa City of the Black Desert, London Methuen, 247-248.

Willcox G., 1980 The environmental evidence. in Dyson,T.(ed.) The Roman riverside wall and monumental arch in London London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, Special paper N°3, 78- 83.

Willcox G., 1979 Preliminary report: analysis of charcoal remains from Can Hasan III. Bulletin of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara.

Willcox G., 1978 Seeds from the late second century pit F28 in Sheldon H., (ed.) Southwark Excavations, 1972-74 Part II 411-413.

Willcox G., 1977 Environmental Research. in B. Hobley & J. Schofield Excavations in the city of London: First Interim report, 1974-1975. Antiquities Journal, LVII 31-66.

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